

SoundText Summarizer is an innovative GPT-based tool designed to convert audio files from Google Drive links into text and provide concise summaries. It’s tailored for users who need quick, reliable text versions and insights from their audio content, handling .mp3 and .wav formats.

Data Collection:

We collect the following types of data:

  • Directly Provided Data: User inputs, including Google Drive links to audio files and any additional textual information or instructions.
  • Automatically Collected Data: Usage statistics, such as the number of requests made, types of files processed, and timestamps of interactions.

Data Usage:

Collected data is primarily used to perform the transcription and summarization service. Additionally, we analyze usage patterns to improve our service, develop new features, and enhance user experience. We may also use aggregated, anonymized data for research and marketing purposes.

Data Sharing and Disclosure:

User data is not shared with third parties, except as necessary to provide the service (e.g., interfacing with cloud storage and processing services). Users will be informed of any third-party involvement and can opt-out if desired. We may also disclose data if required by law or to protect our rights.

User Rights and Choices:

Users have the right to access, modify, or delete their data at any time. Requests can be made through our contact channels. Users can also opt-out of non-essential data collection and processing.

Data Security:

We implement robust security measures, including encryption, access control, and regular security audits, to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of user data. Our team is committed to maintaining the highest security standards.

Changes to the Privacy Policy:

Users will be notified of any changes to the privacy policy via email or a prominent notice on our service. Users are encouraged to review the policy periodically. Continued use of the service after changes constitutes acceptance of the new terms.

Contact Information:

For any questions or concerns regarding privacy, users can contact us at:”contact@conversionfrontier.com’

AI-Specific Considerations:

The AI processes personal data solely for the purpose of providing the transcription and summarization service. There is no automated decision-making that significantly affects users. Users can request explanations of AI-generated outputs and contest decisions made by the AI.

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